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Pengabdian Masyarakat, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University

Pengabdian Masyarakat, Youth Down to Community, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Care and promote animal health rural society
Wonosobo, 17-21 July 2009

Indonesia is country that still developing at many sector also in system of animal health or better known as veterinary health. Unfortunately, event veterinary system in Indonesia already established before we had independence day, in other hand not all of Indonesian citizen know how is important the role of veterinarian in their daily life. To promote veterinarian role in society and also give high motivation for youth become veterinarian, faculty of veterinary medicine of Bogor Agriculture University held annual programme that named “Pengabdian Masyarakat”, an annual activity that spread student in part of district in developing city in Indonesia. Every year this program held in different city like makasar, Padang, Wonosobo, and the last is Kediri.
Most of cities which is choosen as part of this programme is city that still developing their government system include animal health and veterinary system. According to government’s law about Livestock and Animal Health , required for every cities’s governmet in part of Indonesia at least has 1 animal services per district. It means that if one city gas 32 district in their area, it wll be required to have 32 veterinary services means that need 32 veterinarian in this city. In other hand, number of student that interest to be veterinarian is increased but most of them interest to work in clinical field that in agricultural sector. With programme of “Pengabdian Masyarakat” or Penmas, this programme purpose to increase the role of veterinarian in society, increase and influence youth and society to concern animal health which is has strong correlation with human and ecosystem health, and the last is increase interest of student in faculty of veterinary medicine in agricultural sector.
before doing animal health services by kalikajar's team

There are a lot of activities that not only arranged by student but also government, animal health service officer, and society itself. The system of “Penmas” programme is all of student will be gruped as one team, then per team will be spread in one district. One team should be arrange their programme by theirselves but list of programme that should be done already arranged by “Penmas’s committee”. Activities that offer during penmas are mass animal health services, surveillance, give information, education, and communication to society especially about popoular zoonoses, meat and market inspection, slaugther house inspection, and promote veterinary system in elementary school.
Most of activity should be done at least at 2 weeks and it based on condition of the society. After finished the programme, committee give evaluation for society, student, and local govermernt. Result of this programme are from student, they got new experience after live and feel in middle of community that most of them are farmer with low-economic finance, so they know how role of their proffesion after they already garduated as veterinarian should be back to increase agricultural sector trough animal health services, For society, they know how is important of animal health which is has strong correlation with human and environment health and also information about popular zoonoses such as malaria, aviab influenza, and toxoplasma. For government, colaborating with student, this programme help local government doing their animal health services and also surveillance of situation in their local area.
This programme has lot of beneficial for student, universities, society, and local government. “Penmas” should be supported from private organization or company so that privates can do their CSR (coorporate social responsibilities) and help student to decrease their own expenses for join this programme. For others university, this programme should be implemented especilay faculty of veterinary medicine so purpose to increase animal  health services and interest of vet’s student to work in agricultural sector would be run well.


  1. Ini ndra yang buat daftar jurnalistik besok?
    hoho, pengabdian masyarakat yang diangkat, boleh boleh...
    betul betul betul...


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