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Pengabdian Masyarakat, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University

Pengabdian Masyarakat, Youth Down to Community, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Care and promote animal health rural society Wonosobo, 17-21 July 2009 Indonesia is country that still developing at many sector also in system of animal health or better known as veterinary health. Unfortunately, event veterinary system in Indonesia already established before we had independence day, in other hand not all of Indonesian citizen know how is important the role of veterinarian in their daily life. To promote veterinarian role in society and also give high motivation for youth become veterinarian, faculty of veterinary medicine of Bogor Agriculture University held annual programme that named “Pengabdian Masyarakat”, an annual activity that spread student in part of district in developing city in Indonesia. Every year this program held in different city like makasar, Padang, Wonosobo, and the last is...

beautiful evening @ my lab..

assalamualikum.. gimana kabar semua?? ha..ha.. baru mw update lagi nih.. sekarang indra lagi di lab, ya.. you know lah..!! penelitian gw kan belum kelar.. setelah berkecimpung di dunia protozologi terutama kultur jaringangnya.. akhirnya.. gimana keadaan gw sekarang!!.. wkwkw..   tetep aja ngelab di lab kultur.... *aka belum lulus cos pengen-punya-krs-yang-isinya-seminar-ama-skripsi-doang...!! (ngeles mode on).... eniwei, tumben2an lagi ngidupin laptop gara2 puyeng ngebedain hasil pewarnaan ulas darah.. mana yang parasit atau diferensiasi darah!! ha..ha.. sumpeh dah.. semua nya hampir MIRIP!!.. wkwkw.. makanya rajin2 buka laptop buat cari referensi gambar biar bisa ngepastiin mana yang parasit atau mana yang cuma diferensiasi darah.. *besok mw d print aja gambar2 nya biar lebih efisien n ngehemat listrik tentunya..!! oke... continue to my story.. awalnya penelitian gw merupakan kultur agen parasit yaitu Plasmodium menggunakan media RPMI. wuihh.. harga media ini cukup mahal l...

Small Practitioner Veterinarian

Dear reader, I am sorry being silence for most 2.5 years. actually lot of experience after long journey during 2 years 8 months. After graduated from University, i applied to few institution start farm, sophisticated office in Jakarta, and animal clinic. First was swine industry which after short interview via phone, they accepted me and just wait until I ready went to farm. Second was Australian cattle industry which i passed for 1st session interview via skype, then 2nd round for make small presentation regarding cattle industry. Interview session was fine which i had presentation session using English then continued with QA session. Unfortunately i didn't pass. Little bit felt disappointed,  i try to apply another job such animal memdicine company and small animal. Looked at lot of vacant job position, .finally i applied both Medicine company and Sunset Vet Clinic Bali (SVB). SVB responded my email quickly then we had lot of communication. Waited for office in Jakarta, ...