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d'sun burning day

D'sun burning day? apa maksudnya tuh?? saya kebakar, matahari bakar-bakar, atau ada yang mau saya bakar?? hmm.. (ada beberapa orang yang mau saya bakar juga sih..wew..!! cuma takut disebut gila, jadinya d urungkan niatnya.. weeew.... amit-amit deh, jangan sampai jadi pshyco beneran)..

 just check it..!!

well, setelah kemarin berkunjung dan menginap di rumah saudara di kawasan cibubur, akhirnya pagi hari, saya harus kembali ke bogor..
setelah sarapan (emang sengaja supaya tidak kelaparan di jalan, he.. he.. thank mba' emma buat masakan sup iga plus lele gorengnya.. mantapp dan enak..!! sup iga plus lele goreng.. emang agak aneh paduan masakannya.. tapi yang penting enakkkkk!!...), menggunakan motor saya kembali ke bogor. Nah, rada nekat bilang kalo masih ingat jalan balik pake motor dari cibubur ke bogor, padahal sebenarnya agak-agak lupa.. tapi ternyata enggak kesasar tuh.. (ya iyalah.. orang jalanannya lurus-lurus aja..)

persiapan perjalanan menggunakan motor untuk kali ini benar-benar tidak siap. 
1. Well, kondisi motor yang TIDAK TERDDAPAT KACA SPION.. what?? kaca spion.. tentunya kaca spion merupakan perlengkapan wajib. Agak begidik juga membayangkan resiko nantinya kalo tidak ada kaca spion, mau tidak mau saya harus membeli kaca spion di bengkel.

2. Perlengkapan umumnya yang biasa digunakan dalam menggunakan motor yaitu JAKET. namanya juga enggak ada persiapan, saya tidak sempat membawa jaket dari rumah. selama perjalan dari cibubur, masih realtif pagi hari sehingga panas matahari tidak begitu menyengat.. namun setelah mencapai jalan raya bogor.. OMG. panasnya minta ampun.. akhirnya selama perjalanan saya merelakan kulit saya terbakar sinar matahari.. apalagi kalo pas berhenti di rambu-rambu lalu lintas.. arggghhh.. ampun panasnya..!!!!

sempat terbayang resiko akan kanker kulit yang dapat menyerang saya akibat terpapar UV langsung (agak parno gara-gara kuliah mendapatkan materi ttg ini).. hiiiiiiii... kalo menjadi hitam sih tidak masalah bagi saya.. toh sekalipun terbakar, kulit saya tidak akan seHITAM kulit IPIN, komti kelas yang memang terkenal hitammnya (sumpah dah.. emang hitamnya benar2 asli.. piss bro!!..) 
what ever your skin color and race ? i just saw how wonderfull our God creating all... really God Almighty..

ha..ha.. cukuplah untuk hari ini kulit saya terbakar matahari sempurna... alhasil bagian lengan saya terdapat dengan jelas sekali garis perbedaan kulitnya.. hmm.. look sexier i thought?? wkwkw.... 


Postingan populer dari blog ini

At Glance of 2014

hmm,, if i could say what happen during my year on 2014, i would say it the hardest thing i've ever experienced especially when i made deciion to came back at university life to get my DVM course. It much challenge me while i could not event did part time job because formally during DVM course have "unoficially" contract which made me had to be ready 24 hours of shift and lab rotation started activity inside campus then countinued outside campus (koas daerah). The others challenge was after 2 years never had any classes about veterinary class, made me had to learn again and refresh all the subject i've passed before, especially about basic veterinary clinical theory. wefie at cable car TMII all intern with famous lovely German sheperd "Lola" wefie with all intern and staff selfie inside close house breeder farm I was back at my university life, sure made me had to introduce my self with my junior and most of them i event met

Small Practitioner Veterinarian

Dear reader, I am sorry being silence for most 2.5 years. actually lot of experience after long journey during 2 years 8 months. After graduated from University, i applied to few institution start farm, sophisticated office in Jakarta, and animal clinic. First was swine industry which after short interview via phone, they accepted me and just wait until I ready went to farm. Second was Australian cattle industry which i passed for 1st session interview via skype, then 2nd round for make small presentation regarding cattle industry. Interview session was fine which i had presentation session using English then continued with QA session. Unfortunately i didn't pass. Little bit felt disappointed,  i try to apply another job such animal memdicine company and small animal. Looked at lot of vacant job position, .finally i applied both Medicine company and Sunset Vet Clinic Bali (SVB). SVB responded my email quickly then we had lot of communication. Waited for office in Jakarta,

At glance at 2013

almo st year of 2013-2014 i never wrote anything in my blog.. la st 2 year, i felt grateful with my life, got up and down moment but finally i could face it until now. started from 2013 when i got a chance to vi sit Bali again for work, then get a holiday to feel a Ve sak day in Borobudur (at the end i feel guilty that i  should not think a holy ceremony a s an attraction, ju st let people did their religiou s activity in peace without any di sturbance from a touri st), then re signed from my job to go back at univer sity for fini sh my DVM (doctor veterinary medicine) degree.  come back to univer sity i s al so challenge for my  self when i had to back with my book, learnt again, bunch of exam, di scu s sion. and a  sure travel more.. a year of 2013 ended with trip to Lampung to attended my be st friend' s weeding with  snorkeling trip at Pahawang i sland. Trip to pahawang